Tuesday 15 March 2011

In the desert...

I am now in the Kaisut (not sure about spelling!) desert in NE Kenya staying on a mission literally in the middle of nowhere! We are about 100kms from the nearest tarmac road and further from the nearest town. We are staying in a small place called Korr where the Sambura and Rendille tribes live. I have had some amazing experiences driving across the desert (literally); visiting one of the Rendille homesteads in the area, watching food distribution taking place and then teaching English in the local primary school (as I'm doing every morning these next 2 weeks). However cannot go in to details here as I am using the computer on solar power and as there is not enough power to feed both the computer and the fridge , it often goes off unexpectedly. There is no mains power in the whole area so this is all we get all day. In the evenings the generator is put on for 3 hours so the students living here can study but at that time we (Zelma, my fellow volunteer and I) are busy trying to teach the children - and their teachers - how to use the two very slow and old computers they have. I think I shall have to update this once I am back in BLighty at the beginning of next month. Until then loving the desert (though not the flies!), the quiet and the beautiful sky at night....

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